Book your consultation
The initial assessment provided is 1 hour and 1/2. This time flies by, and is needed to properly assess and set you up for your diet changes.
Make a booking online or give me a call to make an appointment, look forward to chatting!
Frances Walker, The Food Intolerance Dietitian
Getting started
1 hr 30 min
280 Australian dollarsReview for the next stage in the diet
1 hr
180 Australian dollars

Clinic days for 2024: consultations are available from Tuesdays through to Fridays. If you cannot find a suitable time slot- please contact on 0412586836 or by e-mail on fran@foodstoeat.com.au to see if we can help you out.
Private Health rebates: availability will differ depending on level of cover and extras.
In person consultations: HICAPS is available, meaning you can claim through your health insurance and pay the gap at the appointment. For information re: gap payment, contact your Private Health Insurance.
Item numbers are as following: 500 = initial in person consultation, 600 = review in person consultation, 301 = initial telehealth consultation, 302 = review telehealth consultation.
Tele-health consultations- you will receive a receipt so you can claim though your private health online. All required information will be on the receipt.
We also accept referrals through the Medicare Benefits Scheme for an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan for chronic disease or complex care needs, by your doctor- your doctor will decide if you qualify for this. A rebate of just over $60.00 is paid back directly into a cheque or savings account that is linked with Medicare (must have an EPC / Medicare care plan from your GP, not just a referral).
In person: Medicare reimbursement is available on the spot post payment of the consult.
Tele-health- you will receive a receipt, once paid, so you can claim from Medicare online.