What are FODMAPS?
FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates that can cause issues in the gut that may not be digested and/or absorbed very well across the gut wall and are thus retained in the gut.
FODMAPS are found in a range of foods from onion and garlic to bread and other wheat foods, Manny fruit and vegetables and in dairy food as lactose.
The LOW FODMAP diet reduces foods high in FODMAPs in the diet to see if gut issues such as bloating, diarrhoea and gut pain can be improved.
F ermentable ( fermented rapidly by microbes to get energy)
O ligo-saccharides (long chain fructose)
D isaccharides (lactose= milk sugar)
M ono-saccharides (fructose)
A nd (easy one!)
P olyols (sugar alcohols).
High FODMAP Foods
In the FULL LOW FODMAP diet, all the FODMAPs are reduced in the diet for a relatively short period of time. When done with guidance, if you are FODMAP sensitive, you can often see results in one week.
In the SIMPLIFIED low FODMAP diet, FRUCTANS and GOS are targeted.

Fructose is a singe sugar unit that is taken across the gut wall via two different routes. When you have fructose malabsorption, one of the routes does not fully work so fructose pools in the small intestine. Fructose is in honey and fruits such as mango and grapes.

Lactose is the natural sugar in cow's milk, and also found in many dairy products such as yoghurt, cream, ice cream and in protein supplements based on whey protein. Most cheeses except cottage cheese, ricotta and cream cheese actually don't contain lactose.

Sorbitol is one of the POLYOLS. You find sorbitol in fruits such as blackberries and in vegetables such as cherries as well as pears and apples which contain fructose and sorbitol. Sorbitol can also be used as a diet sweetener in foods such as chewing gum and many liquid medications.

Fructans are a big group of FODMAPs that cover normal serves of wheat, onion, garlic, white parts of spring onion, and in some fruits such as watermelon and vegetables such Brussel sprouts or large amounts of zucchini.

Mannitol is the other polyol which just refers to the structure of the FODMAP. This FODMAP is in foods like mushrooms, celery and in large amounts of sweet potato for example sweet potato chips.

GOS are found in legumes mostly, but many legumes do have LOW FODMAP amounts that can often be safely eaten in a sitting. GOS is also found in other foods such as peas and large amounts of almonds and cashews.
Low FODMAP Elimination for Fast Results
The LOW FODMAP diet, whether it is the full LOW FODMAP or Simplified LOW FODMAP elimination diet is the first stage of the diet and if you are FODMAP sensitive, then with the right advice, you can get quick results.
A week of a LOW FODMAP diet is all you need to see if the diet is working, as long as you have been able to identify all the significant high FODMAP foods in your diet and reduce them to a much lower level.
Usually after 2 weeks of settled symptoms, you can move onto the next stage, which people really enjoy- trialling the different FODMAP groups, starting with the ones most likely to be tolerated.
Get some help, reach out, and I look forward to working thorough this with you to get your best possible result and expand your diet accordingly to your food trial results.
​Halmos, E.P., et al., A diet low in FODMAPs reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology, 2014. 146(1): p. 67-75 e5.
CK Yao, Jessica Biesiekierski, Sue Shepherd, Peter Gibson, Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University, Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Barrett, JS. How to institute the low-FODMAP diet. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017; 32 (Suppl. 1): 8–10. Retrieved from: http://linkis.com/wiley.com/urRXY.