Full FODMAP elimination
FODMAP elimination is the first step you will take in managing your gut symptoms. This step is all about reducing FODMAPs in your diet to get relief from your symptoms as well as the other gut related symptoms such as feeling awful and, fatigue and reflux.
A common misconception is that we are getting all FODMAPs out of the diet- but this is not strictly true. We are just reducing the FODMAPs to a more manageable level to help reduce your gut symptoms.
The level of FODMAPs is reduced as per cut offs worked out by the Monash Low FODMAP diet. These cut off limits are set very conservatively so that MOST people who are FODMAP sensitive will get a good outcome and more manageable symptoms.
Having a realistic expectation is important here, as our guts are designed to get a bit windy and overly full sometimes, depending on what we eat. We are looking at managing the symptoms that get in the way of living your life, that stop you from doing normal activities. We are not looking for an absence of symptoms as having a normal gut means it will vary and have symptoms from time to time.
Having said that, going on the low FODMAP journey has helped hundreds of thousands of people (ok there are not definite estimates here, but a lot!!) reduce and manage their symptoms, identify their triggers and reintroduce foods to a level that can be tolerated.
At the end of the day, you can still choose to eat and drink high FODMAP foods/fluids but you can have the knowledge and experience to make these decisions, and to know when you do get symptoms, what it was that likely set you off.
And the best thing? If you are FODMAP sensitive, you can get results VERY QUICKLY! With a well constructed Low FODMAP diet- you can potentially see results within days or within a week. Without good advice, FODMAPs can creep in (naughty FODMAPs!) and make the process a longer than it should be.
Choose between the SIMPLIFIED LOW FODMAP diet or the FULL LOW FODMAP DIET: read on to find out about both these diets.
Reducing FODMAPs in your diet: the full or simplified diet
Low FODMAP elimination = the first step of your FODMAP journey. This is great as when you have the knowledge of how to do this, along with all the hacks to make this easier, you have a good chance of seeing results quickly.
The FODMAP reduction has been typically done via reducing all the FODMAP foods in your diet but recent advances in FODMAP research points to a SIMPLIFIED LOW FODMAP DIET which has been shown to also work for the majority of FODMAP sufferers.
You could start with the SIMPLIFIED LOW FODMAP DIET and only progress to the FULL LOW FODMAP DIET as needed.
As the diets work quickly, then the progress of starting SIMPLE and going to FULL LOW FODMAP wont add much time to the process.
Remember: if you do the full low FODMAP diet: most people are only sensitive to 2-3 FODMAP groups, not all the FODMAP groups, so yet elimination diet doe not represent your diet going forward, it is only for the elimination phase of the diet.
First thing to do is get the Monash University Low FODMAP APP especially if doing the FULL LOW FODMAP elimination.
The APP is based on a traffic light system, so a green dot means that you can include this food in your Low FODMAP eating plan.
There are some foods that are moderate (orange dot) or high (red dot) in FODMAPs for a normal serve but in reduced amounts are Low FODMAP so can be included in your diet at these reduced levels.
There are some pointers around how to do this to make it so, so, so much easier which is why getting a Specialist Dietitian involved can be really worthwhile.
For the FULL LOW FODMAP DIET, the FODMAPS in the diet (excess fructose, sorbitol, mannitol, fructans and GOS) are reduced for around 2 weeks, although one week may be enough to get improvement in gut symptoms.
For example the following changes are made, as applicable to your your normal diet;
Swap out high FODMAP fruits such as apples and stone fruit like plums and apricots for low FODMAP fruit
Based on the Monash app you will see that there are some choices of Low FODMAP fruits:
Oranges and Mandarin
Kiwi fruit (great for constipation)
Bananas: just ripe (avoid black spots, if a bit spotty- just have less one third of the too ripe banana)
Some high FODMAP fruits can still be consumed but in Low FODMAP amounts- as the app is being constantly updated, I wont give examples here.​
Swap out high FODMAP veg such as cauliflower for low FODMAPs: based on the Monash app you will see that there are some choices of Low FODMAP vegetables.
Lettuce and greens such as spinach
Broccoli heads
Tinned beetroot
The advice is always to avoid onion and garlic, even as small amounts in food products such as stock.
This is probably a more tricky part of the diet as onion and garlic is used as a minor ingredient in many food products from most flavoured crisps to many sauces and pre-made foods.​
The Low FODMAP diet does not mean a gluten-free diet, as small amounts of wheat can be included in the diet as long as low FODMAPs. For people who feel they do not tolerate wheat, then specific gluten-free products can be used.
​Sour dough bread (not made from rye unless certified Low FODMAP) is usually well tolerated if gluten is tolerated: just keep to 2 slices of bread in a sitting and wait 3-4 hours before having more or other Low FODMAP wheat foods.
Having access to a supermarket guide for LOW FODMAP choices can help with choosing LOW FODMAP breads and cereals and LOW FODMAP GLUTEN FREE alternatives: just because a food is gluten free does not mean it will be LOW FODMAP!
Meats/chicken when in their plain state (i.e. no sauces, not made into a patty or sausage) are naturally low FODMAP
The same can be said about fish, eggs and oils
BUT- when ingredients are added to them- they can be high FODMAP for example onion or garlic added to sausages or patties, or a garlic aioli/sauce added to fish seafood
Most legumes are high in FODMAPS (GOS) but some have reduced serves that are LOW FODMAP.
There are loads of nuts and seeds that are Low FODMAP- suffice to say to stay away from cashews and pistachios (your favourite- I know!), and keep almonds in its LOW FODMAP limit. All the other nuts and nut pastes are fine, and I am talking pastes like peanut paste/butter and almond paste/butter.
All the seeds are great- chia | pepitas | and all the seeds you can think of.
Choose lactose-free milk
Cheese: don't worry about cheese as virtually no lactose- only limit amounts of unripened cheeses such as cream cheese (lactose free available), ricotta and cottage cheese
Cream/sour cream: if using less than 2 TBSP then normal is fine, but if having more per serve then lactose-free is a good idea
Yoghurt: lactose-free choices available
PROCESSED FOODS: processed foods such as SAUCES can be a bit of an issue as tend to contain onion and garlic.
Get your gut calm- quickly: bring it together in a personalised diet- tweaking your current diet to make it low FODMAP- and the implementation turns from hard to very doable.
Within 3-7 days- your gut could be so much improved. That quick! Do it once- do it right.
I look forward to working through this and coming to a quick resolution.
Do it quickly and well with specialized help
Find out which FODMAPs you need to watch out for in your normal eating, and what FODMAP subgroups or FODMAP rich foods that don't apply to you.
Also depending on symptoms, what level and type of fibre should be included the elimination diet.
Get a list of foods to buy as this can be difficult to work out from the LOW FODMAP MONASH app: includes really useful information such as sausages to choose, breakfast cereals, breads, GF pasta, GF wraps, corn tortillas, and what to look out for.
Looking up the app for each fruit and vegetable can be a bit of a drag, so clients love my fruit and vegetable list that gives a clear overview of fruits and vegetables to choose, and the quick hack for choosing fruits and vegetables with a LOW FODMAP amount that can be safely included in the diet.
A quick look at the FODMAP subgroups relevant for the individual fruits and vegetables can be really useful for when the LOW FODMAP diet is personalised.
Yao, C. K., and Tuck, C. J. (2017) The clinical value of breath hydrogen testing. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 32: 20–22. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13689.
Gibson, P. R. (2017) The evidence base for efficacy of the low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: is it ready for prime time as a first-line therapy?. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 32: 32–35. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13693.
Barrett, J. S. (2017) How to institute the low-FODMAP diet. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 32: 8–10. doi:
Tuck, C., and Barrett, J. (2017) Re-challenging FODMAPs: the low FODMAP diet phase two. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 32: 11–15. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13687.