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Based on 2024 research, the SIMPLIFIED FODMAP elimination was found to significantly improve FODMAP symptoms and be a lot more easier to implement than the FULL FODMAP elimination. 


The Simplified FODMAP elimination was tested out in 2024 in response to research that showed that the full FODMAP elimination diet was very tricky and impacted people's quality social life, despite having often great outcomes with significant improvement in gut symptoms.

The research was designed to see if there was significant symptom improvement when the most common high FODMAP triggers were reduced in the diet.

The results are in, and very positive!

When the two main FODMAP groups: FRUCTANS and GOS were reduced, the majority of people in the study achieved significant reduction in the FODMAP symptoms. While slightly less than the full LOW FODMAP diet, the results were still very impressive.

Other FODMAP sub- groups: polyols (sorbitol and mannitol), fructose and lactose were not reduced as part of the simplified LOW FODMAP elimination phase.


Consequently, the simplified LOW FODMAP elimination diet was significantly easier to implement which is a significant barrier with the full low FODMAP diet.


The fructans reduced in the SIMPLIFED LOW FODMAP elimination are:


WHEAT: choose LOW FODMAP wheat choices such as sour dough bread or low FODMAP gluten free choices.


ONION & GARLIC: for example no added onion or garlic, use FODMAP enzymes, choose low onion/garlic sauces and stock, and choose garlic infused oil instead of garlic etc.

VEGETABLES: avoiding a small number of fruit and vegetables high in fructans such as Brussel sprouts, watermelon.

This opens up so many fruits and vegetables and you can use a specialised guide from your specialist dietitian (based on the Monash LOW FODMAP app) as to your fructan free choices you can include.


GOS is a cousin to FRUCTANs and when we think of GOS we think about legumes. 

Legumes is commonly poorly tolerated by people with IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms and in the 2024 research, it was found to be one of the most common FODMAP triggers, hence reduced in the SIMPLIFIED LOW FODMAP diet trial.

There are LOW FODMAP serves of legumes- refer to the MONASH UNIVERSITY LOW FODMAP app such as 1/4 cup of of drained and rinsed chickpeas which can be included in a sitting/meal.

Soy milk made from soy beans is also high in GOS and low GOS alternatives of soy milk (made from soy protein) can be chosen.

The Simplified LOW FODMAP diet

Easier to implement but so much more easier if you get DIETITIAN help with lists of foods to buy and personalized notes on achieving this quickly.

After 1-2 weeks of feeling much better, easy and a reduced number of food trials to see how your diet can be expanded: onion | garlic | fructans in wheat | fructans in vegetables | GOS in legume foods | GOS in non legume foods.


The Simplified Low FODMAP diet can help minimize the negative risks of the FODMAP diet, such as nutritional deficiencies, social isolation and increased time and cost burden of meal preparation.  

if significantly improved but still issues occurring, then a decision can be made to progress to the full FODMAP diet, a step up from the foundation FRUCTAN and GOS eliminations already implemented.

Singh P, Chey SW, Nee J, Eswaran S; Dietary Therapy in IBS Working Group; Lembo A, Chey WD. Is a Simplified, Less Restrictive Low FODMAP Diet Possible? Results From a Double-Blind, Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2025 Feb;23(2):362-364.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.04.021. Epub 2024 May 9. PMID: 38729393.

Frances Walker

Tel: 0412 586 836 (business hours)


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