Finding recipes that focus on just salicylates based on accurate data are difficult to find.
Salicylates are an example of a food component that people can react to with a range of symptoms such as eczema, itchy skin, rashes, gut symptoms with gut pain being very common, bladder irritability, reflux, mouth ulcers, vaginal irritation and many more symptoms.
Manifestations of salicylate sensitivity vary between people who have this sensitivity.
As this sensitivity tends to be lifelong, with variations in capacity or threshold changes making people more and less sensisitve at different times of their life, getting hold of some low salicylate recipes is crucial in working out an eating plan that manages salicylates in your diet.
Other things to consider is if you are also sensitive to amines (histamines) and/or glutamates. Many people have a combination of these sensitivities hence they come under the umbrella of FOOD CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY.
To support people who have only salicylate sensitivities (so are fine with amines/histamines and glutamates, or are fine enough), then this low salicylate recipe book and food guide is for you!
I have compiled this low salicylate recipe and food guide over years of helping people with their salicylate sensitivity. This compilation of FIFTY PLUS low salicylate recipes and meal/snack ideas aims to bring back variety into your low salicylate diet and to use low salicylate flavours. Get your copy from my website (go to the shop section or use link provided) to get some low salicylate eating inspiration. Recipes also have suggestions not only for those with a strict reduction of salicylates in their diet but also for those with a more moderate or mild salicylate restriction.
Where ever you are at in your salicylate journey: elimination or building foods back in, this book is for you. Remember to not only reduce the salicylate load in your diet but also in other parts of your life- choose low scented and low botanical personal products, cleaning products and remember to check your medications for added herbs and high salicylate ingredients.
If you are also senstive to some additives, which is very common in this space, then being mindful of this in addition to salicylates is also important in effectively managing your sensitivities.
Reach out for help, no matter where you ate at at in your food intolerance journey as this area is tricky, and there is always something to learn. Enjoy the recipes Frances Walker
The Food Intolerance Dietitian