What is Food Chemical Intolerance?
Food chemical intolerance is an intolerance to salicylates, amines, glutamates and/or certain food additives that are known to cause issues in sensitive babies (including breast-fed babies), children and adults.
The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) designed the low chemical elimination diet as a way of diagnosing and managing food chemical intolerance. This diet is often referred as the RPAH elimination diet. The Failsafe diet (FED UP Intolerance Network) uses the RPAH diet based on the strictest level of elimination. All these diet names (Food Chemical Intolerance, RPAH Elimination Diet, FAILSAFE diet) are used to describe a diet that limits salicylates, amines , glutamates and food additives such as MSG and preservatives.
While the diet has been shown to be useful for people with food chemical sensitivity, robust scientific evidence such as randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are lacking. There has been some data (not RCTs), suggesting that food chemical restriction may be effective in chronic idiopathic urticaria, eczema, rhinitis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and asthma (3-7).
However, the process of elimination and challenging is a highly regarded scientific process which confirms the diagnosis of food chemical sensitivity at an individual level.
Food is made from a countless number of chemicals. Only a very small number of these are thought to cause food issues. These are:
Naturally occurring food chemicals in food: salicylates, amines (also known as histamines) and glutamates
Food additives such as preservatives, colours and MSG.
These food chemicals are thought to produce reactions via
Stimulating nerve endings eg in the gut for people with Irritable bowel (IBS)(8)
Mast cell activation which may for people with IBS increase intestinal permeability and pain perception. This proposal is based on evidence identifying increased intestinal permeability in people with IBS compared with controls (4), a higher density of mast cells in the intestinal mucosa of people with IBS and their co-location with nerve endings, and a role of mast cells in modulating intestinal permeability in IBS (9,11). It is thought that salicylates may activate mast cells by means independent of IgE (12).
While Irritable Bowel Syndrome is discussed as an example, food chemicals are thought to affect different parts of the body depending on the susceptibility of the different body systems. That may explain why food chemical symptoms can be so varied.
Find out about symptoms with babies, kids and adults with food chemical sensitivity.
Intolerance to food chemicals can occur at any age. The prevalence of chemical intolerance is not known- it is thought that 10% of the population may have food chemical intolerance.
No two peoples' sensitivities are the same. For example, you may react only to salicylates and some food additives and not amines or glutamates, while the next person may only react to amines (histamines). So what you may be reacting to cannot be easily predicted. Even people in the same family can have different symptoms to the same food chemical!
It is common for food sensitive people to react adversely to various medications and/or drugs as well. An overall sensitive constitution Ito many triggers is often in play such as latex, allergies, smell sensitivities etc.
Only a carefully constructed Diagnostic Elimination Diet complete with food chemical challenges can help pin point your particular sensitivities. Find out more about the Elimination Diet for Food Chemicals.
There is no one size fits all- only one personal approach for each sensitive individual. Another reason why there is no simple test for Food Intolerances (I wish there was).
JOIN THE COMMUNITY: BRAND NEW Dietitian led Facebook group: Amines, Salicylates and Glutamates: The Food Intolerance Dietitian for great information and community support.
1. Skypala IJ, Williams M, Reeves L, Meyer R, Venter C. Sensitivity to food additives, vaso-active amines and salicylates: a review of the evidence. Clinical and Translational Allergy. 2015;5:34. doi:10.1186/s13601-015-0078-3.
2. Swain, A., Soutter, V, & Loblay, R. (2011). RPAH Elimination Diet Handbook with food and shopping guide. Australia: Allergy Unit, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
3.Gibson, A. and R. Clancy, Management of chronic idiopathic urticaria by the identification and exclusion of dietary factors. Clin Allergy, 1980. 10(6): p. 699-704.
4. Juhlin, L., Recurrent urticaria: clinical investigation of 330 patients. Br J Dermatol, 1981. 104(4): p. 369-81.
5. Slepian, I.K., K.P. Mathews, and J.A. McLean, Aspirin-sensitive asthma. Chest, 1985. 87(3): p. 386-91.
6. Wender, E.H., The food additive-free diet in the treatment of behavior disorders: a review. J Dev Behav Pediatr, 1986. 7(1): p. 35-42.
7. King, D.S., Psychological and behavioral effects of food and chemical exposure in sensitive individuals. Nutr Health, 1984. 3(3): p. 137-51.
8. Raithel, M., et al., Significance of salicylate intolerance in diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract. J Physiol Pharmacol, 2005. 56 Suppl 5: p. 89-102.
9. Dunlop, S.P., et al., Abnormal intestinal permeability in subgroups of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndromes. Am J Gastroenterol, 2006. 101(6): p. 1288-94.
10. Park, J.H., et al., Mucosal mast cell counts correlate with visceral hypersensitivity in patients with diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2006. 21(1 Pt 1): p. 71-8.
11. Lee, H., et al., Mucosal mast cell count is associated with intestinal permeability in patients with diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome. J Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2013. 19(2): p. 244-50.
12. Suzuki, Y. and C. Ra, Analysis of the mechanism for the development of allergic skin inflammation and the application for its treatment: aspirin modulation of IgE-dependent mast cell activation: role of aspirin-induced exacerbation of immediate allergy. J Pharmacol Sci, 2009. 110(3): p. 237-44.